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Entry Level
Benefits Hub Associate VISTA
This job was posted on:
Jan 2, 2020
Seattle, WA
United Way of King County
Benefits Hub is a one-stop, coordinated access point for financial resources that connects people seeking a college degree or credential to critical income supports to help them persist and complete their educational goals.
Mid Level
Sales Manager
This job was posted on:
Aug 28, 2019
Seattle, WA
60k - 80k + commission
Here is a short form job description. blah blah blah. Here is a short form job description. blah blah blahHere is a short form job description. blah blah blahHere is a short form job description. blah blah blahHere is a short form job description. blah blah blahHere is a short form job description.
Senior Level
Marketing / Advertising
Marketing Executive Officer
This job was posted on:
Aug 26, 2019
$200 - $2000
We’re looking for a Senior Marketing Ops Manager to contribute to the growth of our business by enabling tight collaboration between members of the marketing team and external departments. You'll be kind and empathetic while being rational about the capacity of the team you are supporting.
Senior Level
Senior IT engineer
This job was posted on:
Aug 26, 2019
Share values
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Senior Level
Chief Development Officer
This job was posted on:
Aug 5, 2019
Seattle, WA
FareStart is recruiting a Chief Development Officer (CDO) to its Senior Leadership Team. The CDO will be responsible for planning, developing, and maintaining a comprehensive private fundraising program on behalf of the FareStart, while enhancing the mission and vision established by the Board of Directors. This critical role will also oversee FareStart’s marketing and communication and 3,500+ volunteer program.
Mid Level
Grants Manager
This job was posted on:
Aug 2, 2019
Seattle, WA
The Grants Manager is responsible for raising support from foundations and corporations, requiring proposals for both unrestricted operating revenue and restricted projects. The Grants Manager conducts the full range of activities required to prepare, submit, and manage...
Mid Level
CRM Manager and Trainer
This job was posted on:
Aug 2, 2019
Seattle, WS
United Way of King County
$72,500 to $77,000
The CRM Manager and Trainer champions the use of Dynamics CRM and related technologies to further our strategic goals. The CRM Manager establishes cohesive partnerships with our Fundraising, Marketing, Community Services, and Operations teams to identify and capture their business needs and...
Senior Level
Associate Director of Public Relations
This job was posted on:
Aug 1, 2019
Seattle, WA
United Way of King County
$ 84,500 to $ 91,000
The Associate Director is responsible for identifying and developing effective stories, creating United Way buzz that supports our brand position as an unstoppable force to create a community where people have homes, students graduate and families are financially stable. This position will...
Mid Level
Marketing / Advertising
Marketing Associate
This job was posted on:
Aug 1, 2019
Seattle, WA
5 - 50k a year
The role of the ProDev social media manager will be to help establish and grow the existing ProDev social media accounts, including Twitter and Facebook. You will be responsible for creating original text and video content, managing posts and responding to followers. You will manage our company...